The sensivity to God’s voice brings about particular fruits within our charism. This sensitivity to His invitation lets us to respond and take specific actions which has brought us to new ventures in the ministry. When we received an invitation from the Task Force on Urban Conscientization (TFUC) to see the situation in the dumpsites of Happyland in Tondo, we went at once to help in the feeding program. Although typhoon Haiyan happened four years ago, the communities in Guiuan, Eastern Samar still have no access clean water so we went and set up a facility which can convert water from the sea into potable water.
Saint Mary Euphrasia beautifully said it: “Be like a fisherman who keeps casting his net, always hoping to catch fish. Then leave God to do the rest; He knows better than we do what is for our good.” We went and continuously go to these places for now for “we are instruments in His hands, which He deigns to use for the accomplishment of His designs.”
(From the Ministry Annual Report 2016)